Thursday, July 2, 2009

High Speed Sync (HSS) version II

Hi eberibodi.... 2nd experiment by using an apple with a different color-red and green
Unfortunately, I really dont know how to use PS very well. So, i cant edit much on the surface that I'm using to put my glass on the top of it.

I'm very appreciate for all of ur comments and critics
Setting and adjustment is totally same as my previous experiment.
Here there are.....

Red Apple :

Green Apple :


  1. OMG...really nice result the red apple more...the splashing water really works for me

  2. Thanks bro...
    will work and learn more to get a better result.

  3. mantap!
    terus terang,spanjang aku bkcimpung lam bidang ni,aku x pernah buat benda2 camgini..serius!
    stakat wat water drop tu standard la..masa mula2 ada slr dulu.pastu tak buat dah..hehehe..

  4. eh,lagi satu..aku plan hujung tahun ni nak pg pusing2 tanah mlaya..kira backpacking smbil2 mlancong..hehehe

  5. nice... aku teringin gak nak ambil pic macam tu... aku org sarikei ada masa kita klik2.... wit kita punya DSLR ramai2 ok....

  6. bro.. aku pun nak test gak la... bole addict wat xperimen cenggini oo... hehee..

  7. Thanks guys..apa2 hal, mun ktak org ada idea molah experiment lain, share lah kelak ok.

    erol : aih...ktak otai bah.mun ktak molah benda ya..sure one shoot jak.hehee..
    Bulan 12 aku plan blk KL-cuti sekolah.Bolehlah kita outing kelak di sinun.

    hell69: terbaliklah ko ngan sony. Sony asal Mukah..kerja di sarikei, ko plak asal Sarikei..kerja di Mukah. Mun satu jabatan, nyaman, senang runding tukar posting.hehehe..
    Mun ko blk Sarikei, roger aku : 0126702256/0133026905.-idham-

    Khairul : aoklah bro..boleh addict..dan aku telah terkena addict tersebut.knek tok tgh research experiment lain gik.Kelak mun aku ada experiment baru, akan aku share di sini.ok.
